sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013


How can you start a conversation when you don´t know what to say?
Here are some key expressions you can use to "break the ice".

Starting a conversation:
Can I join you?
I hear you work for.../you study at ...
Is this your first time....?
What do you think of...?

Offering :                                                                        Responding:
Can I help you?                                                                 Yes, please.
Can I get you something...?                                              Yes, of course.
Would you like another...?                                                Yes, that´s right.
Please take a seat.                                                           No, thanks. I´m fine.

Finishing a conversation:
Please, excuse me.
Nice talking to you.
See you later.

Now, let´s practice it. Dani and Piotr (Gestión Administrativa)  are at a conference cocktail party. Maybe their tone is not particularly right for the situation, but they could hardly say a word in English at the beginning of the course. Well done, boys! Keep working!
But it wasn´t so easy... Here is just one outtake....to have a laugh!

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